Are you having a hard time picking out the right door for the exterior of your home? Click here for tips, advice, and information on the best one for you.


Are You Creating A Safe Room?

5 April 2018
, Blog

Are you concerned about the amount of danger that you see on the news each evening? Perhaps there has been mischief in your neighborhood that has escalated to more serious threats. If you have a home and a family, you are more than likely even more concerned for the safety you provide for those you love. From being a great part of the community to establishing a safe room with bullet resistant doors, here are some ideas that might help you to feel that you and your family are safe in your home.
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About Me
choosing exterior doors for the home

One thing that I struggled with when doing a complete renovation of my home was choosing the exterior doors. I knew that the doors that I chose would be in place for many, many years and that they would have an impact on the appearance of the home from the inside and the outside. I wanted to allow as much natural light into the home as possible without sacrificing my privacy from the front of the home, and I wanted doors that would be efficient against heat loss during the winter. This blog is all about choosing the exterior doors for your home.
